Its two days to Christmas Eve. Yet there will be another old friends gathering. This time it will be my old army mates’ dinner gathering for seafood and I am looking forward to it. Christmas is a time to be jolly and celebrate with close friends and loved ones. It’s also a time to reflect and count the blessings we have, and it was truly a blessing for me to have found KUTE stock selection system this year. I was losing money trading the stock market buying all the wrong stocks and getting in and out without any plan. I was speculating, and saw my money depreciated to 40% from punting the markets. Without KUTE, I would probably be losing more. One of my esteemed lecturers wrote me an email saying I am bragging in the blog. I took no offence because it was in his class that I learned the foundations to the key inputs to KUTE, and I thank God for him.
I did something interesting last night. Questions have been asked if KUTE performance was good during last year's financial crisis. There were comments that KUTE is good now because the market is good overall. I did a 3 years back testing with the assumption that selected stocks were rebalanced weekly and no technical decision were made. It's just pure selection and trading based on the KUTE's fundamental slection. The performance for the past 3 years to date is presented as follows, with the red line represents KUTE's selection against the blue line of S&P 500:

US markets closed higher last night. The markets opened strong with broad-based gains among stocks, but action quickly steadied so that the broader market spent the session moving sideways in a narrow range. At market close, advances outweigh the declines in all the markets despite a strong bounce by the U.S. dollar. For the stocks selected, NOV gained 1.48% to close at $43.92, NE gained 1.12% at $41.55, DOX up 1.06% to close at $27.73 and PTI declined 1.97% to close at $19.89. MGLN gained an impressive 3.25% to close at $39.73. I am still long with 2 positions on NOV and 1 position on DOX. My buy order was filled for PTI at $20.00 and I am relieved that Citigroup share price has stopped declining and added a slight gain last night to reduce my losses. My Christmas wish is for this counter to be back to where it was before the financial crisis so that I can brag again to the whole world that my choice was right. (smile…. Ref:
Have a great day.
Francies Cheng
BBus MAppliedFinance
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