Saturday, December 5, 2009

Evaluation for the week...NOV was down but I made profits from trading this stock

Good morning,

It’s Saturday again. Time flies, isn’t it? It’s time again to evaluate KUTE’s performance for the week. It was forecasted that DJIA will be trading within a broad range with the possibility of closing the week lower. DJIA closed the previous week at 10309.92 and gained 0.8% to close at 10,388.90. The range for the week is from 10,238.05 to 10,537.63.
With the expected volatility, the recommended trading strategy for the week was to buy at dip and sell at target. Let’s see how the KUTE selected stocks performed;
NOV closed at $43.30 last Friday and the recommendation was to buy this stock. It closed at $42.28 last night. The stock’s high for the week was $44.42 and its low was $41.73. I followed the broad strategy and took profits again last night when 3 of my 4 positions hit the limits. Another position was bought when it hit my market order at $42.24, so I have 2 open positions for this stock.
FRX last Friday close was $30.56 and it ended this week at $31.20. These are the trades I made for the week extracted from my IG Markets accounts;
If this screen shot looks blur (I am an IT idiot), try to click on the image to open in another window, otherwise the trades summary are as follows:
Bought FRX at $30.53, sold at $31.62;
Bought NOV at $43.13 and $42.49, sold at $44.10 and $44.15;
Bought NOV at $43.30, $43.69, $42.80, $42.99, sold at $43.81, $43.97 and $44.24 last night
Bought NOV last night at $42.24.
As for the other stocks, GIB was $12.40 last Friday and closed at $12.59 last night. SIM was $7.77 and ended the week at $8.69.
I can now restfor the next 48 hours before I start screening for the new stocks to buy with the KUTE systems. See you next Monday morning (Singapore Time) for the new recommendations.
Have a great week ahead!
Francies Cheng
BBus MAppliedFinance

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